The wallpaper from Ever Crisis showing Sephiroth in his Wutai New Year "Celebratory Garb" outfit while brandishing his sword Radiant Edge.

Sephiroth’s Ever Crisis Battle Lines

Note: This post is spoiler-free for The First Soldier. Also, Happy New Year! (LOL) There was a lot about Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis that caught me by surprise or that I just didn't understand having never played a gatcha game before. One of those surprises was the Japanese voices during battles, particularly the fact …

Continue reading Sephiroth’s Ever Crisis Battle Lines

exist†trace — Unforgive You

Thanksgiving heralds the (un?) official start of the Christmas season. It’s a bright time that can also be depressing depending on what’s going on in your life. So, I thought it fitting to reblog this song. Maybe I’m also thinking of Jason David Frank, AKA Tommy from Power Rangers. He was my first childhood TV crush.

Warped Frost

The back of a shirt I have, with a quote by William James reading “Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.”

The song that most caught my attention on Twin Gate when I first listened to it was “Unforgive You.” It’s such a haunting track, and the specificity of the person described made me wonder who it was written for. Actually, I think that’s how I came to find miko’s blog, as she explains there exactly what prompted her to write this song.

Normally, I post translations of miko’s blog posts after the lyrics, but for this song, I think it’s better to do it the other way around.

Right now a lot of people are posting the number to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) on social media and such given the passing of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. I’d like to share…

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